Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Course Schedule

September 3: Intro to Class
Wednesday: Introduction to Class (no reading)

September 8—10: Doing Philosophy/Ethics
Monday: Doing Philosophy | (no reading)
Wednesday: Doing Philosophy continued | Relativism (handout)

September 15—17: Ethics
Monday: Are moral claims facts or opinions? | Thomas Nagel (handout)
Wednesday: Do consequences or motives matter? | Ethical Theories (handout)

September 22—24: Ethics/Quiz
Monday: Ethical Theories continued | (no new reading)
Wednesday: QUIZ #1; Sample Consensus Session

September 29—October 1: Capitalism vs. Communism
Monday: Capitalism | Adam Smith (pages 1-11)
Wednesday: Communism | Karl Marx (pages 12-20); Consensus Session #1

October 6—8: Corporate Responsibility
Monday: Corporate Responsibility | Robert Hay & Edmund Gray (pages 54-64)
Wednesday: Corporate Responsibility | Milton Friedman (pages 65-71); Consensus Session #2

October 13—15: Managers and Employees: Wal-Mart
Monday: Wal-Mart | Sam Walton & John Huey (pages 143-151)
Wednesday: Wal-Mart | George Miller (pages 152-157); Consensus Session #3

October 20—22: Government Regulation: Enron
Monday: Enron | Richard Rosen (pages 158-161)
Wednesday: Enron | Chris Culp & Steve Hanke (pages 162-188); Consensus Session #4

October 27—29: Midterm
Monday: catch up & review for Midterm | (no new reading)
Wednesday: MIDTERM

November 3—5: The Corporation
Monday: “The Corporation” (in-class movie) (no new reading)
Wednesday: “The Corporation” continued; class discussion (no new reading)

November 10—12: Whistleblowing
Monday: Whistleblowing | Sissela Bok (pages 189-199)
Wednesday: Whistleblowing | Robert Larmer (pages 200-208); Consensus Session #5

November 17—19: Employee Privacy Rights
Monday: Email Monitoring | Chauncey DePree & Rebecca Jude (pages 209-214)
Wednesday: Email Monitoring | USA Today (pages 215-218); Consensus Session #6

November 24—26: CEO Compensation
Monday: CEO Compensation | Ira Kay (pages 245-254)
Wednesday: CEO Compensation | Edgar Woolard (pages 255-262); Consensus Session #7

November 27th-30th: THANKSGIVING BREAK (no class) (woo?)
carpe diem, lazy bones

December 1—3: Businesses and Consumers
Monday: Advertising Ethics | John Foley (pages 263-270)
Wednesday: Advertising Ethics | Gene Laczniak (pages 271-278); Consensus Session #8

December 8—10: Product Liability
Monday: The Pinto | Mark Dowie (pages 291-307)
Wednesday: The Pinto | Ford Motor Company (pages 308-319); Consensus Session #9

December 15—17: Final Exam
Monday: PAPER due; review for Final Exam
Wednesday: FINAL EXAM

nuttin, supchoo?

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